I sell items on eBay from time to time. They are usually vintage pieces or collectibles that are mine or a friend's. Many times, I have no idea what I'm trying to sell! eBay is both a great research tool and sales portal.
Try typing a description of your item into the search box on eBay.com. I'm looking for old milk bottles.
The results will return anything that's currently for sale.
Nice, but it's even better to know how much things have actually sold for. There's a filter on the left that can help you with that!
Looking at existing eBay listings is good for more than just pricing. Other listings can help you determine dates, product numbers, and more criteria that will help your item be found in search.
Happy selling!
I publish 5 new blog posts each week! Check out the schedule. You can also click on the link below for blog updates.

Try typing a description of your item into the search box on eBay.com. I'm looking for old milk bottles.
The results will return anything that's currently for sale.
Nice, but it's even better to know how much things have actually sold for. There's a filter on the left that can help you with that!
Looking at existing eBay listings is good for more than just pricing. Other listings can help you determine dates, product numbers, and more criteria that will help your item be found in search.
Happy selling!
I publish 5 new blog posts each week! Check out the schedule. You can also click on the link below for blog updates.
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